Our Gift to Cannabis Cultivators: A Free Cannabis Feeding Chart
This post shares Goldleaf's free, downloadable cannabis feeding chart and explains why it's a helpful tool for anyone growing marijuana.
How To Grow Cannabis That's Better and Healthier
Utilizing a feeding schedule is one of the most effective ways to grow better and healthier cannabis.This is because your ideal choice of nutrients and how and when you introduce these “nutes” will all vary based on your cultivar, its stage of growth, and certain environmental factors.
Unfortunately, it’s rare for anyone growing marijuana—even the most experienced among us—to have a flawless grow. This is especially true if you’ve stepped out and experimented with new cultivars, grow styles, or feeding products.
That’s why Goldleaf has created a free, downloadable, blank cannabis feeding chart.
When you use our downloadable cannabis feeding chart, you can start to identify trends based on how your plants are responding.
If you gauge that there’s room for improvement, this cannabis feeding chart helps give you the freedom to experiment with different nutrients and quantities of nutrients, or trying a new grow style next time, so that you can learn how to grow cannabis that's right for you.
If your modified approach to growing marijuana is effective, that’s great. If not, you can continue with our downloadable nutrient plan, adjust your approach, and then evaluate your results.
You can think of this free cannabis feeding chart as a downloadable Grow Planner accessory. Once your process is rock solid, you can consolidate your findings into your Grow Planner or Grow Jotter as part of your master approach to growing marijuana.
If you’d like your free downloadable cannabis feeding chart, simply use the form below to join our mailing list (if you are already on the list, fill out the same form to update your subscription and receive the download).